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Optimizely Debuts First-Ever Opticon Online

The highly-attended annual user conference goes virtual with on-demand content ahead of Opticon events in London and Stockholm.

NEW YORK, October 30, 2023 - Optimizely, the leading digital experience platform provider, today launched Opticon Online, a fully virtual iteration of its annual user conference. The digital event kicked off today with a livestreamed experience – showcasing how Optimizely’s comprehensive marketing solutions have fueled lasting consumer-brand relationships and sustained growth for its customers and partners.  

The hour-long presentation, which is now available on-demand, shares cutting-edge content from the Executive Leadership team and Optimizely customers, including Zoom, Tapestry, and Schwab. In addition to the livestreamed presentation, attendees will also gain free access to the full Opticon Online library of 15 keynotes and 30+ breakout sessions covering a range of topics from AI-powered marketing to scaling personalization.  

Opticon Online comes ahead of Optimizely’s additional Opticon events taking place in November across Europe, bringing industry insights to a global audience. These events will connect Optimizely’s international community of industry leaders to discuss the latest trends and best practices that blend creativity with analytics to drive growth. 

Opticon London will take place November 7 at Kings Place, and will feature customers including Legal & General, GE Healthcare, Marks and Spencer, and Indeed. The event will come to life thanks in part to Diamond sponsor DEPT® and Gold sponsors Netcel, Valtech, and Columbus.

Opticon Stockholm will take place November 29 at Waterfront Congress Centre, and will feature Marianne Stjernvall, Founder of the CRO Queen, and customers including Ericsson and MQ Marqet. The event is made possible thanks in part to Diamond sponsors Contentsquare and Knowit Experience and Gold sponsors Valtech, Tietoevry, and Consid. 

To view the full agendas, or to register for the in-person events, visit: https://www.optimizely.com/opticon/  
To view Opticon Online’s on-demand content, visit: https://www.optimizely.com/opticon-online/ 

Om Optimizely

Vi i Optimizely hjelper virksomheter med å utnytte sitt digitale potensial. Dette gjør vi gjennom å gi markedsførings- og produktteam moderne og effektive verktøy for å skape og optimalisere digitale opplevelser i alle kanaler.

Med den ledende plattformen for digitale opplevelser (DXP) hjelper vi virksomheter med å planlegge og publisere innhold, øke salg via netthandel og teste og eksperimentere i alle kontaktpunkter med kundene. Optimizely har over 700 partnere og nesten 1500 ansatte på tvers av våre 21 kontorer i verden. Vi er stolte av å hjelpe mer enn 10 000 virksomheter, inkludert H&M, Bama, Jotun, PayPal, Zoom, Lyko og Coop med å øke kundens livstidsverdi, forbedre konvertering og bredde sortementet. Stor nok til å levere, liten nok til å bry oss – det er vår filosofi i Optimizely. Les mer på www.optimizely.com/no.