Browse apps</a>\n<h1>AutoConnect</h1>\n<p>Streamline your multilingual content in Optimizely CMS with our seamlessly integrated connector. AutoConnect Optimizely CMS simplifies the entire translation and publishing process, adding automation, monitoring and selection of services.\n\n</p>\n","logo":{"type":"image","background":true,"curved":true,"zoomable":false,"isVisible":false,"mediaAttributes":{"url":{"default":null,"dark":null,"light":null},"loop":null,"thumbnail":null,"alt":null,"width":null,"height":null},"lazy":true}},"sidebar":{"reviewStatus":"Optimizely-verifiziert","worksWithHeading":"Works with","worksWith":[{"url":"/de/produkte/monetize/configured-commerce/","text":"Configured Commerce","altText":"Configured Commerce"},{"url":"/de/produkte/orchestrate/content-management/","text":"Content Management System","altText":"Content Management System"}],"compatibilityHeading":null,"compatibility":null,"categoriesHeading":"Kategorie","category":[{"url":"/de/apps/apps-integrationen/?categoryId=4474128","text":"Language & translation","altText":"Language & translation","isExternal":false}],"pricingHeading":"Pricing","pricing":{"paid":{"oneTimeFee":"$499/per month","previousOneTimeFee":null,"annualFee":null,"subscriptonFee":null,"additionalOptionFee":null,"installationFee":null},"trial":null,"free":null},"developedByHeading":null,"developedBy":[],"informationDownloadHeading":"Information and Downloads","information":[{"url":"","text":"Language as a Strategic Asset","altText":"Language as a Strategic Asset"}],"supportHeading":null,"support":[],"officesHeading":"Office locations","offices":[{"url":"","text":"Stockholm, Sweden","altText":"Stockholm, Sweden","isExternal":false},{"url":"","text":"Gothenburg, Sweden","altText":"Gothenburg, Sweden","isExternal":false},{"url":"","text":"Malmö, Sweden","altText":"Malmö, Sweden","isExternal":false},{"url":"","text":"Umeå, Sweden","altText":"Umeå, Sweden","isExternal":false},{"url":"","text":"Uppsala, Sweden","altText":"Uppsala, Sweden","isExternal":false},{"url":"","text":"Helsinki, Finland","altText":"Helsinki, Finland","isExternal":false},{"url":"","text":"Oslo, Norway","altText":"Oslo, Norway","isExternal":false},{"url":"","text":"Aarhus, Denmark","altText":"Aarhus, Denmark","isExternal":false},{"url":"","text":"Vejle, Denmark","altText":"Vejle, Denmark","isExternal":false},{"url":"","text":"Split, Croatia","altText":"Split, Croatia","isExternal":false},{"url":"","text":"Alicante, Spain","altText":"Alicante, Spain","isExternal":false},{"url":"","text":"Copenhagen, Denmark","altText":"Copenhagen, Denmark","isExternal":false},{"url":"","text":"Stavanger, Norway","altText":"Stavanger, Norway","isExternal":false}],"partnerHeading":null,"partnerLinks":[],"getApp":{"buttonColor":"blue","size":"default","buttonStyle":"default","href":"#marketplace-form-block","icon":"","disabled":false,"isLoading":false,"children":"Kontakt aufnehmen"}},"content":{"children":"\n<p>AutoConnect Optimizely should be an integral part of what makes your website language a strategic asset. Semantix will help ensure that the connector and your use of it is designed to suit your localization needs and workflow demands. When your content is ready, just request it to be translated directly within the Optimizely software using the AutoConnect add-on. Whether it&rsquo;s multiple pages or individual blocks of text, and even page assets like metadata and image tags. When your translation is ready, you can import it automatically and publish it immediately or review it first&hellip; you decide. Once you&rsquo;ve ordered a translation, the automated translation process starts immediately. You can monitor it in real time, and when we&rsquo;re done, the connector plugin imports your translations right where you need them.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"},"publisherAccordion":{"title":"About the publisher","accordionItems":[{"defaultOpen":false,"title":"About Semantix","labelColor":"None","media":{"type":"image","background":true,"curved":true,"zoomable":false,"isVisible":false,"mediaAttributes":{"url":{"default":null,"dark":null,"light":null},"loop":null,"thumbnail":null,"alt":null,"width":null,"height":null},"lazy":true},"children":"\n<p>Semantix is the leading language company in the Nordic region, in terms of both size and credibility. Semantix has been a language services provider for more than 50 years and is born out of the core values and the craftmanship of high-quality human translation. At the same time, they have always been at the forefront of language technology as a mean to secure quality, consistency, and efficiency. Semantix&rsquo;s strategy is coined around their position of 'The Leading Language Technology Company for Multilingual Services', with an emphasis on both technology and service, not one without the other. They understand that real value is the perfect complementation of advanced language processing and human perfection.</p>"}]}}" data-redux="true" data-router="false">
Browse apps


Streamline your multilingual content in Optimizely CMS with our seamlessly integrated connector. AutoConnect Optimizely CMS simplifies the entire translation and publishing process, adding automation, monitoring and selection of services.


AutoConnect Optimizely should be an integral part of what makes your website language a strategic asset. Semantix will help ensure that the connector and your use of it is designed to suit your localization needs and workflow demands. When your content is ready, just request it to be translated directly within the Optimizely software using the AutoConnect add-on. Whether it’s multiple pages or individual blocks of text, and even page assets like metadata and image tags. When your translation is ready, you can import it automatically and publish it immediately or review it first… you decide. Once you’ve ordered a translation, the automated translation process starts immediately. You can monitor it in real time, and when we’re done, the connector plugin imports your translations right where you need them.


Mehr Informationen anfordern

'Semantix AutoConnect for Optimizely CMS supports a large number of languages and can be accessed by multiple users. The plugin includes an interface inside Optimizely, a function that exports/imports texts from and to Optimizely and an API call function that enables starting projects inside Semantix’ project management system and retrieving them automatically when the projects are completed. Semantix AutoConnect for Optimizely is available for use 24/7, with the exception of scheduled downtime for maintenance. Projects can be created at any time, but project management is available between 8 am and 4 pm CET during working days. The Client is required to install the plugin in Optimizely CMS and update it when necessary. Semantix AutoConnect for Optimizely works with Optimizely CMS version 10 onwards and common web browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Internet Explorer. The plugin works with all languages that are supported by Optimizely CMS and Semantix’s project management system.

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Optimizely speichert und verarbeitet Ihre personenbezogenen Daten, wie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung beschrieben. Sie können Ihre Zustimmung jederzeit widerrufen.