Browse apps</a>\n<h1>Google Analytics for email</h1>\n<p>Google Analytics for Marketing Automation delivers out-of-the-box integration and enables marketers to track relevant information. Examine the data in the context that is most relevant to you and your editors.</p>\n","logo":{"type":"image","background":true,"curved":true,"zoomable":false,"isVisible":false,"mediaAttributes":{"url":{"default":null,"dark":null,"light":null},"loop":null,"thumbnail":null,"alt":null,"width":null,"height":null},"lazy":true}},"sidebar":{"reviewStatus":"Optimizely verified","worksWithHeading":"Works with","worksWith":[{"url":"/sv/enhancements/data-platform/","text":"Data Platform","altText":"Data Platform"}],"compatibilityHeading":null,"compatibility":null,"categoriesHeading":"Category","category":[{"url":"/sv/apps/apps/?categoryId=4474121","text":"Analytics & customer intelligence","altText":"Analytics & customer intelligence","isExternal":false}],"pricingHeading":"Pricing","pricing":{"paid":{"oneTimeFee":"$1200 annually thereafter","previousOneTimeFee":null,"annualFee":null,"subscriptonFee":null,"additionalOptionFee":null,"installationFee":null},"trial":null,"free":null},"developedByHeading":null,"developedBy":[],"informationDownloadHeading":"Information and Downloads","information":[{"url":"","text":"Optimizely on GCP Marketplace","altText":"Optimizely on GCP Marketplace","isExternal":true}],"supportHeading":null,"support":[],"officesHeading":"Office locations","offices":[{"url":"","text":"Mountain View","altText":"Mountain View","isExternal":false},{"url":"","text":"CA","altText":"CA","isExternal":false}],"partnerHeading":"Publisher","partnerLinks":[{"url":"/sv/campaigns/partner/google/","text":"Google","altText":"Google"},{"url":"/sv/apps/apps/?partnerId=4688567","text":"All Google apps","altText":"All Google apps"}],"getApp":{"buttonColor":"blue","size":"default","buttonStyle":"default","href":"#marketplace-form-block","icon":"","disabled":false,"isLoading":false,"children":"Get in contact"}},"content":{"children":"\n<p>Google Analytics for Optimizely is fully integrated with the Optimizely platform, enabling marketers and content editors to access the right data at the right time, adding insight and context to their content creation process. This will allow businesses to harness the effectiveness of their online presence by constantly improving the user journey and customer experience on any type of web, e-commerce, mobile or social site, based on analytical proof points. By bringing analytics data into the content workflow, editors and marketers can make informed decisions, optimize their online presence in real-time and improve business results.</p>\n<p>The solution is designed so that the most relevant results from Google Analytics are presented in a useful, contextual manner within the content creation process. It allows marketers to see real-time analytics on the page being worked on, and be able to use this information to optimize it instantly to increase traffic and conversion rate. In addition, the solution shows analytics information on the effectiveness of strategies and tactics such as personalization or social sharing.</p>"},"publisherAccordion":{"title":"About the publisher","accordionItems":[{"defaultOpen":false,"title":"About Google","labelColor":"None","media":{"type":"image","background":true,"curved":true,"zoomable":false,"isVisible":false,"mediaAttributes":{"url":{"default":null,"dark":null,"light":null},"loop":null,"thumbnail":null,"alt":null,"width":null,"height":null},"lazy":true},"children":"\n<p>Google Cloud accelerates every organization&rsquo;s ability to digitally transform its business. &nbsp;Customers in more than 200 countries and territories turn to Google Cloud as their trusted partner to enable growth and solve their most critical business problems.</p>"}]}}" data-redux="true" data-router="false">
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Google Analytics for email

Google Analytics for Marketing Automation delivers out-of-the-box integration and enables marketers to track relevant information. Examine the data in the context that is most relevant to you and your editors.


Google Analytics for Optimizely is fully integrated with the Optimizely platform, enabling marketers and content editors to access the right data at the right time, adding insight and context to their content creation process. This will allow businesses to harness the effectiveness of their online presence by constantly improving the user journey and customer experience on any type of web, e-commerce, mobile or social site, based on analytical proof points. By bringing analytics data into the content workflow, editors and marketers can make informed decisions, optimize their online presence in real-time and improve business results.

The solution is designed so that the most relevant results from Google Analytics are presented in a useful, contextual manner within the content creation process. It allows marketers to see real-time analytics on the page being worked on, and be able to use this information to optimize it instantly to increase traffic and conversion rate. In addition, the solution shows analytics information on the effectiveness of strategies and tactics such as personalization or social sharing.

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Optimizely will store and process your personal data as described in our Privacy Policy. You can opt out at any time.