Browse apps</a>\n<h1>LatitudePay</h1>\n<p>There are zero surprises with LatitudePay. It does what it says on the box: 10 weekly payments instead of all at once. No interest, and no waiting for your new gear or great experience, just wonderful-ness.</p>\n","logo":{"type":"image","background":true,"curved":true,"zoomable":false,"isVisible":false,"mediaAttributes":{"url":{"default":null,"dark":null,"light":null},"loop":null,"thumbnail":null,"alt":null,"width":null,"height":null},"lazy":true}},"sidebar":{"reviewStatus":"Optimizely verified","worksWithHeading":"Works with","worksWith":[{"url":"/sv/products/monetize/customized-commerce/","text":"Customized Commerce","altText":"Customized Commerce"}],"compatibilityHeading":null,"compatibility":null,"categoriesHeading":"Category","category":[{"url":"/sv/apps/apps/?categoryId=4474130","text":"Payments, fraud & tax","altText":"Payments, fraud & tax","isExternal":false}],"pricingHeading":"Pricing","pricing":{"paid":{"oneTimeFee":null,"previousOneTimeFee":null,"annualFee":null,"subscriptonFee":null,"additionalOptionFee":null,"installationFee":null},"trial":null,"free":"Free"},"developedByHeading":null,"developedBy":[],"informationDownloadHeading":null,"information":[],"supportHeading":null,"support":[],"officesHeading":"Office locations","offices":[{"url":"","text":"Docklands, Australia","altText":"Docklands, Australia","isExternal":false}],"partnerHeading":"Publisher","partnerLinks":[{"url":"/sv/partners/tech/latitude-financial-services","text":"Latitude Financial Services","altText":"Latitude Financial Services"},{"url":"/sv/apps/apps/?partnerId=4688840","text":"All Latitude Financial Services apps","altText":"All Latitude Financial Services apps"}],"getApp":{"buttonColor":"blue","size":"default","buttonStyle":"default","href":"#marketplace-form-block","icon":"","disabled":false,"isLoading":false,"children":"Get in contact"}},"content":{"children":"\n<p>Everyone likes small stuff &ndash; baby goats, mini donuts, paying in 10 weekly instalments instead of all at once. Use LatitudePay to get what you want today, then spread out your payments so they&rsquo;re no big deal.</p>\n<p>Shop at your favourite stores, online or in person. Buy the things you love to empower the life you want, and pay just 10% upfront with LatitudePay.</p>\n<p>There are zero surprises with LatitudePay. It does what it says on the box: 10 weekly payments instead of all at once. No interest, and no waiting for your new gear or great experience, just wonderful-ness.</p>"},"publisherAccordion":{"title":"About the publisher","accordionItems":[{"defaultOpen":false,"title":"About Latitude Financial Services","labelColor":"None","media":{"type":"image","background":true,"curved":true,"zoomable":false,"isVisible":false,"mediaAttributes":{"url":{"default":null,"dark":null,"light":null},"loop":null,"thumbnail":null,"alt":null,"width":null,"height":null},"lazy":true},"children":"\n<p>Latitude is Australia&rsquo;s biggest non-bank lender specializing in digital payments and finance backed by decades of experience.</p>"}]}}" data-redux="true" data-router="false">
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There are zero surprises with LatitudePay. It does what it says on the box: 10 weekly payments instead of all at once. No interest, and no waiting for your new gear or great experience, just wonderful-ness.


Everyone likes small stuff – baby goats, mini donuts, paying in 10 weekly instalments instead of all at once. Use LatitudePay to get what you want today, then spread out your payments so they’re no big deal.

Shop at your favourite stores, online or in person. Buy the things you love to empower the life you want, and pay just 10% upfront with LatitudePay.

There are zero surprises with LatitudePay. It does what it says on the box: 10 weekly payments instead of all at once. No interest, and no waiting for your new gear or great experience, just wonderful-ness.

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LatitudePay Terms & Conditions provided at time of merchant application. Please contact LatitudePay to apply for a merchant facility. 

Optimizely will store and process your personal data as described in our Privacy Policy. You can opt out at any time.

Optimizely will store and process your personal data as described in our Privacy Policy. You can opt out at any time.