Browse apps</a>\n<h1>Openpay</h1>\n<p>The Smarter Way to Buy Now, Pay Later. Pay smarter, all from one easy app. Discover vets, healthcare, shopping, auto and more. Flexible payments. You pick the plan.</p>\n","logo":{"type":"image","background":true,"curved":true,"zoomable":false,"isVisible":false,"mediaAttributes":{"url":{"default":null,"dark":null,"light":null},"loop":null,"thumbnail":null,"alt":null,"width":null,"height":null},"lazy":true}},"sidebar":{"reviewStatus":"Optimizely certified","worksWithHeading":"Works with","worksWith":[{"url":"/no/products/monetize/customized-commerce/","text":"Customized Commerce","altText":"Customized Commerce"}],"compatibilityHeading":null,"compatibility":null,"categoriesHeading":"Category","category":[{"url":"/no/apps/all/?categoryId=4474130","text":"Payments, fraud & tax","altText":"Payments, fraud & tax","isExternal":false}],"pricingHeading":"Pricing","pricing":{"paid":{"oneTimeFee":null,"previousOneTimeFee":null,"annualFee":null,"subscriptonFee":null,"additionalOptionFee":null,"installationFee":null},"trial":null,"free":"Free"},"developedByHeading":null,"developedBy":[],"informationDownloadHeading":null,"information":[],"supportHeading":null,"support":[],"officesHeading":"Office locations","offices":[{"url":"","text":"Melbourne, Australia","altText":"Melbourne, Australia","isExternal":false},{"url":"","text":"London, UK","altText":"London, UK","isExternal":false},{"url":"","text":"New York, US","altText":"New York, US","isExternal":false}],"partnerHeading":null,"partnerLinks":[],"getApp":{"buttonColor":"blue","size":"default","buttonStyle":"default","href":"#marketplace-form-block","icon":"","disabled":false,"isLoading":false,"children":"Get in contact"}},"content":{"children":"\n<p>By offering Openpay you give customers a way to spread the cost leading to improved conversion, increased AOV, reduced customer returns, and greater brand loyalty. In addition, as a merchant, you can easily issue partial or full refunds from within the Optimizely Admin section, as well as set qualifying customer purchase limits for using Openpay. With support for sandbox mode, our extension also allows you to validate and test the integration for peace of mind before going live.</p>"},"publisherAccordion":{"title":"About the publisher","accordionItems":[{"defaultOpen":false,"title":"About Openpay","labelColor":"None","media":{"type":"image","background":true,"curved":true,"zoomable":false,"isVisible":false,"mediaAttributes":{"url":{"default":null,"dark":null,"light":null},"loop":null,"thumbnail":null,"alt":null,"width":null,"height":null},"lazy":true},"children":"\n<p>Openpay Group Ltd (ASX: OPY) is a fast-growing and highly differentiated player in the global 'Buy now pay later' (BNPL) payment solutions market. The Company&rsquo;s strong platform enables it to deliver the most flexible plans in the market. Openpay brings fairness, transparency, and flexibility to merchants and consumers alike, and focuses on industries where it can truly make a difference: Automotive, Healthcare, Home Improvement, Memberships, and Education.Openpay provides services to, payment processors, merchants, and their customers in Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and in the United States, where it operates under the brand name Opy.</p>"}]}}" data-redux="true" data-router="false">
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The Smarter Way to Buy Now, Pay Later. Pay smarter, all from one easy app. Discover vets, healthcare, shopping, auto and more. Flexible payments. You pick the plan.


By offering Openpay you give customers a way to spread the cost leading to improved conversion, increased AOV, reduced customer returns, and greater brand loyalty. In addition, as a merchant, you can easily issue partial or full refunds from within the Optimizely Admin section, as well as set qualifying customer purchase limits for using Openpay. With support for sandbox mode, our extension also allows you to validate and test the integration for peace of mind before going live.

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Optimizely will store and process your personal data as described in our Privacy Policy. You can opt out at any time.