Browse apps</a>\n<h1>Invoca</h1>\n<p>With Invoca for Optimizely Web Experimentation integration, use conversation intelligence data from phone calls to act as new events for Optimizely experiments. </p>\n","logo":{"type":"image","background":true,"curved":true,"zoomable":false,"isVisible":false,"mediaAttributes":{"url":{"default":null,"dark":null,"light":null},"loop":null,"thumbnail":null,"alt":null,"width":null,"height":null},"lazy":true}},"sidebar":{"reviewStatus":null,"worksWithHeading":null,"worksWith":[],"compatibilityHeading":null,"compatibility":null,"categoriesHeading":null,"category":[],"pricingHeading":"Pricing","pricing":{"paid":{"oneTimeFee":null,"previousOneTimeFee":null,"annualFee":null,"subscriptonFee":null,"additionalOptionFee":null,"installationFee":null},"trial":null,"free":"Free"},"developedByHeading":null,"developedBy":[],"informationDownloadHeading":null,"information":[],"supportHeading":null,"support":[],"officesHeading":null,"offices":[],"partnerHeading":null,"partnerLinks":[],"getApp":{"buttonColor":"blue","size":"default","buttonStyle":"default","href":"#marketplace-form-block","icon":"","disabled":false,"isLoading":false,"children":"Get in contact"}},"content":{"children":"\n<p><span class=\"TextRun SCXW152098377 BCX0\" lang=\"EN\" xml:lang=\"EN\" data-contrast=\"none\"><span class=\"NormalTextRun SCXW152098377 BCX0\">Invoca provides teams with a rich stream of 1st-party customer data that they can&rsquo;t get from anywhere else. Invoca also provides the tools necessary to automate this data so teams can improve their marketing optimization and create seamless, innovative, and personalized omnichannel customer experiences. Invoca data helps businesses optimize their marketing investments, boost contact center agent productivity, improve sales call close rates, and provide visibility into customer behaviors and intent. Invoca&rsquo;s customer base now includes revenue teams in over 2,300 of the leading B2C brands in the automotive, real estate, financial services, telecommunications, insurance, healthcare, retail, and home services industries.</span></span><span class=\"EOP SCXW152098377 BCX0\" data-ccp-props=\"{&quot;201341983&quot;:0,&quot;335559740&quot;:276}\">&nbsp;</span></p>"},"publisherAccordion":{"title":"About the publisher","accordionItems":[{"defaultOpen":false,"title":"About Invoca","labelColor":"None","media":{"type":"image","background":true,"curved":true,"zoomable":false,"isVisible":false,"mediaAttributes":{"url":{"default":null,"dark":null,"light":null},"loop":null,"thumbnail":null,"alt":null,"width":null,"height":null},"lazy":true},"children":"\n<p>Invoca&rsquo;s Conversation Intelligence platform enables marketing, sales, customer experience, and eCommerce teams to understand and immediately act on the information consumers share via conversations. Through deep integrations with leading technology platforms, revenue teams can turn conversation data into automated action to enhance every digital touchpoint and human interaction, leading to better experiences, more conversions, and higher revenue.</p>\n<h5>Company</h5>\n<p>Invoca helps the modern marketer drive inbound calls and turn them into sales. Our platform delivers the inbound call intelligence required for marketers to optimize customer engagement and sales beyond the click. From attribution to intent, marketers gain a complete understanding of the customer&rsquo;s journey across digital, mobile and offline touch points so they can optimize their marketing spend, drive quality inbound calls and deliver a better customer experience.</p>\n<h5>Integration</h5>\n<p>With Optimizely and Invoca, you have the ability to see exactly which design, copy, and call-to-action variations are the most effective at driving valuable inbound phone calls. Calls post as a custom event goal in Optimizely, providing real-time stats for comprehensive <a href="/no/optimization-glossary/experience-optimization//">experience optimization</a>.</p>\n<h5>Key Benefits</h5>\n<ul>\n<li>Start to understand the audiences that have a high propensity to call and deliver a more personalized experience through relevant calls-to-action.</li>\n<li>Testing content is crucial. Track calls alongside online actions to analyze which variations are resonating.</li>\n<li>For a lot of businesses, conversions are happening offline, which is especially true for mobile users. See how your online visitors are converting downstream over the phone.</li>\n</ul>"}]}}" data-redux="true" data-router="false">
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With Invoca for Optimizely Web Experimentation integration, use conversation intelligence data from phone calls to act as new events for Optimizely experiments.


Invoca provides teams with a rich stream of 1st-party customer data that they can’t get from anywhere else. Invoca also provides the tools necessary to automate this data so teams can improve their marketing optimization and create seamless, innovative, and personalized omnichannel customer experiences. Invoca data helps businesses optimize their marketing investments, boost contact center agent productivity, improve sales call close rates, and provide visibility into customer behaviors and intent. Invoca’s customer base now includes revenue teams in over 2,300 of the leading B2C brands in the automotive, real estate, financial services, telecommunications, insurance, healthcare, retail, and home services industries. 

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