Report Report

Total Economic Impact™ of Optimizely Digital Experience Platform (DXP) by Forrester Consulting

Cost savings and business benefits enabled by Optimizely DXP


Download the full study here

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Optimizely lagrer og behandler dine personlige data slik vi har beskrevet det i vår Personvernerklæring. Du kan trekke samtykket ditt når som helst.

For online businesses, a digital experience is one of the highest forms of interaction available today. You can increase conversions if you take consistent, long-term action to improve each experience and guide website visitors along the buying journey.

To help you understand better, Optimizely commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study and demonstrate the potential financial impact of adopting a DXP.

Forrester interviewed five decision-makers at different organizations using our Digital Experience Platform to obtain data on costs, benefits and risks. Further, Forrester combined the results, learnings and feedback into a single composite organization.

Research highlights include:

  • ROI of 370% and 60% boost to conversion rate
  • $8.5 million in improved revenue from better web performance
  • $2.2 million in avoided license costs of prior solutions
  • 75% time savings on deploying, updating and organizing content