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[Cheat Sheet] Why personalization is the future of financial services

Get insights and tips on how to use data-driven personalization to deliver great customer experiences.


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Optimizely lagrer og behandler dine personlige data slik vi har beskrevet det i vår Personvernerklæring. Du kan trekke samtykket ditt når som helst.

Did you know that misguided personalization efforts can backfire and drive away customers? We recently did a webinar on “Why personalization is the future of financial services” and learned a lot about what financial institutions can do to thrive in the age of customer experience.

Here’s a one-pager cheat sheet to help you understand what personalization is really about and how you can effectively incorporate it into your marketing.

This cheat sheet gives you a quick glance at:

  • The current state of personalization in the financial sector
  • Key challenges in personalizing the customer experience
  • Four crucial steps to building a solid personalized marketing strategy