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Zoom Harnesses Power of Optimizely One to Transform User Experiences in Partnership with Hero Digital

Zoom is using Optimizely One to build a robust digital foundation to power the organization’s next wave of growth.

NEW YORK, November 1, 2023 – Optimizely, the leading digital experience platform (DXP), has announced that Zoom is using Optimizely One to build a robust digital foundation to power the organization’s next wave of growth. As laid out on the Opticon mainstage in San Diego, the relationship will continue to be carried out in collaboration with Hero Digital, a transformative customer experience company that has won the Optimizely Partner of the Year for the past two years.  

Zoom will leverage Optimizely’s expanded stack of tools, now enriched with a single, unified workflow accelerated by AI. As Zoom continues to roll out new capabilities, the company has adopted Optimizely’s best-in-class Content Management System (CMS) and Optimizely Content Marketing Platform (CMP) – unlocking new velocity and personalization. ​Hero Digital will work with Zoom and Optimizely to realize this shared vision by helping with the content migration, implementing new multilingual functionality, and enabling personalization with deeper audience insights.  

“Zoom has long been one of our most trusted collaborators,” said Alex Atzberger, CEO of Optimizely. “We are proud to have grown alongside them as digital innovators and to see our solutions keep pace with the needs of a significant player in our rapidly evolving landscape.” 

“Optimizely’s enhanced capabilities will help us further improve the experience for our growing user base, as well as the internal experience for the dozens of teams that are responsible for content across our digital ecosystem,” said Alex London, Head of Digital at Zoom. “Having one integrated platform has proven to provide significant value.” 
“When working with an industry-leading company like Zoom, there are enormous opportunities to solve complex problems and create exceptional customer experiences.,” said Jay Dettling, CEO of Hero Digital. “It’s great to be able to collaborate with Zoom and Optimizely to bring the vision for the next phase of their digital journey to life.” 

To watch Zoom and Hero Digital’s mainstage keynote, sign up for Opticon Online. All content is now streaming - https://www.optimizely.com/opticon-online/ 

Om Optimizely

Vi i Optimizely hjelper virksomheter med å utnytte sitt digitale potensial. Dette gjør vi gjennom å gi markedsførings- og produktteam moderne og effektive verktøy for å skape og optimalisere digitale opplevelser i alle kanaler.

Med den ledende plattformen for digitale opplevelser (DXP) hjelper vi virksomheter med å planlegge og publisere innhold, øke salg via netthandel og teste og eksperimentere i alle kontaktpunkter med kundene. Optimizely har over 700 partnere og nesten 1500 ansatte på tvers av våre 21 kontorer i verden. Vi er stolte av å hjelpe mer enn 10 000 virksomheter, inkludert H&M, Bama, Jotun, PayPal, Zoom, Lyko og Coop med å øke kundens livstidsverdi, forbedre konvertering og bredde sortementet. Stor nok til å levere, liten nok til å bry oss – det er vår filosofi i Optimizely. Les mer på www.optimizely.com/no.