Losberger De Boer create a unified global platform and increase leads with Optimizely's CMS

At a glance

  • Cohesive global presence with unified international platform - 11 separate country website variations on Optimizely CMS
  • Increase in leads generated

The powerhouses of modular space solutions join hands

Following the merger of structural and space solutions providers Losberger and De Boer in 2017, Losberger De Boer built further on being a leader in modular space solutions for events, commercial and public space, and military and humanitarian application.

This new powerhouse within the modular space industry aims to be a sole source for industry-leading product development, production, sales and rental by combining the strengths in industry knowledge, market access and capacity.

Losberger De Boer ’s range of world-class temporary and permanent space solutions are categorized into three main segments—events, commercial, and emergency response and defense. Losberger De Boer's event solutions are present at the biggest sporting, political and cultural events.Their commercial solutions are built to be scalable and relocatable, providing flexibility for multiple purposes, including warehousing and storage. Losberger De Boer’s rapidly deployed products for emergency response and defense uses are trusted by military and humanitarian organizations in emergencies across the world.

While Losberger De Boer’s products are of exceptional quality and variety, their strength is understanding their customers' needs. They emphasize helping customers achieve desired goals by matching customers to their offerings.

Although Losberger De Boer strives to be a one-stop solutions provider to customers, their fractured digital architecture affected their online presence. Their digital architecture included multiple websites, online marketing assets, tools, activities and collaboration with global marketing agencies. Thus began Losberger De Boer’s ambitious digital transformation to merge all company sites into a global digital platform with 'One brand, one platform, one-on-one experience' forming the foundation of their digital revamp.

Fractured digital architecture with archaic sites and systems

With nearly 10 different websites that run on different servers and other online assets including 50 social accounts, several Google Ads (and Bing) accounts, Google Analytics, Tag Manager and Search Console accounts, Losberger De Boer online landscape was scattered and existed in silos. Multiple assets meant multiple stakeholders and data silo’s to get on the same page as well. Or having a structural Webdata Reporting and Monitoring base for performance marketing.

In addition, their CMS, CRM and databases were not well-integrated, they lacked efficient reporting and content management tools, and content was not always tailored to customers.

The fractured architecture led to outdated websites, unstructured lead generation tracking and failure to capture valuable website data. There were plenty of missed opportunities for interaction and lead nurturing with stakeholders as well as not maximizing the potential of Losberger De Boer’s data and digital assets. Losberger De Boer understood that their digital transformation not only had to address and rectify these issues, but it also had to have the ability to grow and expand along with the company.

Losberger De Boer’s world-class digital transformation

Embarking on this journey was an important next step for Losberger De Boer, but they knew selecting the right solution and implementation partner was integral to the success of their digital vision of 'One brand, one platform, one-on-one experience'.

Once Losberger De Boer and iO were connected, iO wasted no time in laying out the starting blocks for Losberger De Boer’s new digital solution. iO’s response to Losberger De Boer’s RFP detailed their desire to support Losberger De Boer’s mission and vision for the newly merged company through a deep understanding of Losberger De Boer. An experienced Optimizely partner, iO also highlighted the importance of engaging all stakeholders in Losberger De Boer’s digital transformation in executing a compelling solution that will reinforce Losberger De Boer’s best-in-class offerings to customers and talents. As digital solutions can evolve with a company, iO understood that Losberger De Boer’s digital transformation will not be a one-off project, rather it will be a long-term collaborative partnership. A new international platform was the starting point of digital transition and further online marketing growth.

iO proposed to Losberger De Boer a few platforms that may suit Losberger De Boer’s needs and, Optimizely was chosen based on multiple factors including scalability, future growth and iO’s advice. 

To reflect their global presence, Losberger De Boer’s new website had to be multilingual and multimarket while maintaining a unified appearance in-line with their brand image. It also had to be flexible in integrating with multiple online marketing technology software and potential future tool additions to keep their digital solution ahead of competitors. Content also had to be relevant to their customers to ensure that their website meets users' expectations, but also contributes to a higher customer experience.

As part of the foundation of Losberger De Boer’s digital solution, iO implemented Optimizely’s CMS that has real-time and multi-site statistics on a live dashboard and provides an abundance of possibilities for developers to tackle problems in creative ways. Equipped with their knowledge of Optimizely, this allowed iO to swiftly respond to Losberger De Boer’s requests with several options in reaching their objectives.

Losberger De Boer’s website leveraged Optimizely Forms to create web forms for contact forms to the different international Sales teams. Optimizely’s content editor eases the process of creating tailored forms and adding them to pages while providing capabilities to optimize individual forms.

Since embarking on Losberger De Boer's digital transformation together, iO has helped Losberger De Boer stay the course with timelines and budget. During the COVID-19 pandemic, they continued making progress thanks to their strong partnership, iO’s Optimizely knowledge and experience, and active communication. iO was, and still is, with Losberger De Boer every step of the way from providing strategy and advice to relentless development of the ideal digital solution.

Together, with iO and Optimizely, we established a content platform that takes a leading position worldwide within our core business and that is now ready for the digital future, new marketing activities, better measurement and B2B lead generation. This is on a global scale, adapting to all cultural differences, with always creating the best online customer experience for our clients in mind.

Robbie Schouten
Online Marketing Manager, Losberger De Boer

An industry-leading approach

Together with iO, Losberger De Boer merged and migrated their previous digital landscape onto an Optimizely-built international website with multimarket and multilanguage capabilities while maintaining a centralized, worldwide appearance.

The integrated website now supports nearly 10 languages in 11 different regions and on global scale. Site navigation with all the range of different products and markets, and content are structured for improved user experience. The user-friendly CMS has also streamlined workflows for internal teams and improved content management work through personalized content creation.

Built on .NET and Microsoft Azure, Losberger De Boer’s new website is secure, fast and scalable, handling spikes in website traffic easily. Existing on the cloud also improves the speed of implementation for other Optimizely tools, allowing Losberger De Boer to customize based on their needs. Losberger De Boer’s previously scattered digital assets are now seamlessly integrated with the new website. 

The exceptional digital experience of Losberger De Boer’s new website boasts market agility, data and insights capabilities, easy integration with an array of software as well as exceptional, personalized digital experiences that continue to uplift Losberger De Boer’s business digitally. As a result, sales and marketing teams within Losberger De Boer can swiftly find solutions for various situations, contributing to their growth.

A unified website has also benefited Losberger De Boer’s marketing efforts. With a structured digital architecture, the new platform can support proper lead tracking, increased lead conversion for the sales team, and improved website and user insights. With measurable marketing efforts, Losberger De Boer’s local teams have visibility on their marketing spend while monitoring the effectiveness of individual marketing investments.

Futureproofing Losberger De Boer’s digital solution

To achieve their ‘One brand, one platform, one-on-one experience’ vision by 2025, Losberger De Boer’s relentless pursuit for a futureproof solution means there is still more to be done.

Visitor intelligence and personalization is Losberger De Boer’s next foray in their digital transformation journey. As the final part of their digital vision, delivering a seamless and personalized user journey is critical in going beyond customer expectations.

Losberger De Boer also plans to work with internal teams to understand how to continue improving their digital solution to better serve staff in their work for enhanced collaboration and efficiency. 



Retail and consumer

Product used

Customer's website
