LaunchDarkly™ leaves a lot on the table.

You manage more than experiments and rollouts—your feature management system should, too. See where we stand and how Optimizely can help your whole team do more from one place.
FeaturesOptimizely Feature ExperimentationLaunchDarkly™️
Deploy confidently with stats engine
Learn about performance of your features using leading data science.
Per event pricing
The more you run, the more you pay
Paid plan priced per monthly active users
Just feature toggles? That's free and unlimited, no credit card needed
Bucketing and provisioning
Use advanced audience rule sets to group and target users
Exclusion groups
Make sure users that shouldn't see features are easily excluded
Add metrics post-rollout
Retroactively diagnose and report on performance by adding tracked metrics, even after a rollout or experiment
Program management
Easily keep track of features and ideas in one place. Never keep flags live too long again
Use our advanced audience targeting to show specific features and content to users individually
Track events
Easy-to-integrate events, so you know what's happening when, instantly
Developer first, and collaborate with others
Remote configuration is easy enough to let anyone control features, you decide the rules
Feature flags
Toggle features on/off remotely or use percentage rollouts
Kill switches
Need to roll something back quickly without a deploy/software update? Kill features remotely
Progressive delivery capability
Slowly roll out new features and back using the UI
Better performance with multi-armed bandits
Using data science, pick a performant feature variation faster. You decide what to optimize for
App feature management
Skip long deployment cycles and App Store review and remotely configure features in mobile, OTT and other apps
Phased roll outs
Use targeting rules and percentage roll outs to determine who sees what, when
Behavioral targeting and segmentation
Rulesets allow you to target features at locations, demographics or any attributes you send us
Experiment & feature analytics dashboard
Quickly see how your features are performing and which variants outperform for experiments

Trusted by 9,000+ businesses and millions of happy customers

Robust SDKs and documentation

We have SDKs for most major platforms or you can deploy as a microservice.